Daria’s Theels
Spoken Theels
Why Marketing & Branding affects us all

Why Marketing & Branding affects us all

Be careful to not be lied to...

I recently had a conversation about this topic & what came up was basically, that I mostly disagree with how typical marketing & branding is done. Heavily.

Because in my world, you dont say one thing, promise THIS and actually deliver something very different. This is lying & deceiving to me and has no part in the world I want to live in.

Lets take an example of energy drinks: you are promised energy, an endless access to finally be able to work more so you reach the deadline! You can finally take some time for your family, only by drinking this one can of gold basically. Bäm! Life continues! You are energetic & can take on everything.

Well, this is a lie. It is simply not true & no big corporation pumping money into amazing branding and marketing of energydrinks can convince me that their products are good for our health. They are not.

This means, their marketing and branding is lying to you. It doesnt tell you that it is blocking the natural response of your body, screaming that you need rest. It doesn’t tell you to be mindful about your food, your health, your stress level, the quality of your reelationships.

Cos if all those would be aligned, you would have TONS of energy! If you would have a job you love, lots of time in nature, supportive people around you, food that nourishes you & creative & joyful activities, that all reduce stress, you & your body would not need artificial, liquid poison to have energy.

And this is where Marketing & Branding is important for all of us, not just those that have a business: it influences us, even on a subconscious level & if we dont question it, we might get trapped & dependent on drinks a company sells us to live our lifes.

Would love to hear your thoughts on that!



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Daria’s Theels
Spoken Theels
On my way to embrace my intuition & spontaneous impulses more, it came up to record some of my thoughts & feelings in spoken word. My "Spoken Theels" will basically be about my human experience, which so far spans being a Scientist, Artist, Entrepreneur, Expat, disabled person, spirituality interested soul & just someone who embraces the fullness of life! All these aspects of me are deeply connected, just like within all of us, we are more than those labels & roles & I intend to explore that fact here.