The DC SciArt Chronicles
Spoken Theels
People can change

People can change

... but do we allow them to show they changed?

I am convinced that people can change. Everyone can change, in a slow & steady way, in a sudden & surprising way, or in a very explosive, radical way.

At any age, at any time, in any circumstance, basically whenever, wherever, however: change is always possible.

However, the only thing is: we need to WANT to change. Only then it can happen.

With regard to me this means: I need to want to change, otherwise, it doesn’t matter how much others tell me to change, how much I read or hear: if it doesn’t resonate or is not the right time, I won’t change.

This also means, I cannot make anyone else change. Ever. It is a pointless endeavor and even a boundary that should never bee crossed. Yeet I bet everyone of us had this thought at least once in our life: “Oh I wish X,Y,Z would change, then everything would be better".

The other thing is: if someone changes, how much do I allow that someone else to show me they changed? How much am I still programmed in their old behavioral pattern? How much am I stuck in the past? The hurt I experienced? How much do I apply past thoughts & emotions to them I the present? How many of those are not true anymore?

I realized in these last days, that if I allow myself to see the change in others, by actively rewiring my thoughts and believes about them and giving them a chance to show they changed: THIS changes me. And without them wanting me to change!

This also means: if I change because I decided to work on my destructive behavior A, my negative thought pattern B, and my trauma response C and interact with people, this will potentially change them. Not excuse I want to change them, but because they interact with me, something will shift automatically.

Today I share with you my recent Hike-adventure that I did and how its went, what I realized, learned and how it changed me & hopefully will stay a continuous pattern in the future.


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The DC SciArt Chronicles
Spoken Theels
On my way to embrace my intuition & spontaneous impulses more, it came up to record some of my thoughts & feelings in spoken word. My "Spoken Theels" will basically be about my human experience, which so far spans being a Scientist, Artist, Entrepreneur, Expat, disabled person, spirituality interested soul & just someone who embraces the fullness of life! All these aspects of me are deeply connected, just like within all of us, we are more than those labels & roles & I intend to explore that fact here.