Daria’s Theels
Spoken Theels
When did you last celebrate yourself?

When did you last celebrate yourself?

I dare you to do it more often ;)!

What was it about? How did you celebrate, acknowledge & honor yourself?

If you havent, why not?

Questions I was recently exposed to, after talking to a friend of mine. I am soooo grateful to have people around me who dare to make me discover those things, encourage me & support me on my way to wherever I go :-).

Cos the thing is: I am not quite good at celebrating & acknowledging myself… yet! I am working on it!

So my friend subtly steered the conversation & asked the right questions, for me to realize: yeah Daria, it’s a freaking BIG THING that you have your first art exhibition in five days! Its huge!

Especially, cos I would have never thought that just a couple of years ago.

And what is the consequence of being neutral about it, not care, not acknowledge & celebrate myself, show the joy I actually feel? The Universe will not know what gifts it should bring to me in the future!

That is why I decided to properly celebrate this occasion & wanted to share it with you here as well!

I believe its important to look at the things we do well, bring us joy, the milestones we reach & honor them properly. Otherwise they get lost in what is called life & dont get the attention & love they deserve!

So here is to all of our amazing accomplishments! Honors! Milestones! Ideas! Projects! Boundaries we break & all the joy & happiness we feel while doing that!

Thank you for listening!



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Daria’s Theels
Spoken Theels
On my way to embrace my intuition & spontaneous impulses more, it came up to record some of my thoughts & feelings in spoken word. My "Spoken Theels" will basically be about my human experience, which so far spans being a Scientist, Artist, Entrepreneur, Expat, disabled person, spirituality interested soul & just someone who embraces the fullness of life! All these aspects of me are deeply connected, just like within all of us, we are more than those labels & roles & I intend to explore that fact here.