Daria’s Theels
Spoken Theels
Why do we have "airplane mode", but not "human mode"?

Why do we have "airplane mode", but not "human mode"?

A thought worth considering

I have taken the plane many times in my life now, not sure exactly how many, but that is irrelevant now. Personally, I prefer to make a road trip or use the train just because I can see so much more, but planes are super convenient, especially when you are an expat and want to visit family in two other countries :)

One of the things that is common to do is, to put “airplane mode” on all the electronic devices when we fly.

Why? To not disturb and interfere with the sensitive electromagnetic technologies and systems of the airplane.

Why? So that it can send and receive signals and land us safely to our destination.

So: off with your phone, laptop, tablet & what-not.

Now, most of us don’t know how a plane is built, its complexity etc. However, there is something else that we know better & all have in common, AND that has tons of sensitive electromagnetic signals firing all the time: OUR OWN BODY.

Yes, our brain, heart and aaalll the other neurons in our body are even more sensitive, and to function, we need them to send and sense signals, within our body and from the outside world.

What do you think happens when we are constately surrounded by electromagnetic radiation in form of laptops, phones, iPads, tablets, Garmin or apple watches, wireless earplugs, maybe VR goggles etc? All the time!

Our sensitive system, our body and therefore we, also get unbalanced and harmed.

Why do we protect planes more than we protect ourselves? Do we really need the newest, most fancy new gadget, just because is cable-free? Do we really need to constantly carry our phones close to our bodies? Maybe not…

This is something I explore today :), what are your thoughts on it?



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Daria’s Theels
Spoken Theels
On my way to embrace my intuition & spontaneous impulses more, it came up to record some of my thoughts & feelings in spoken word. My "Spoken Theels" will basically be about my human experience, which so far spans being a Scientist, Artist, Entrepreneur, Expat, disabled person, spirituality interested soul & just someone who embraces the fullness of life! All these aspects of me are deeply connected, just like within all of us, we are more than those labels & roles & I intend to explore that fact here.