The DC SciArt Chronicles
Spoken Theels
Life & Business changes

Life & Business changes

an update on recent developments

Before I even start with sharing these changes:


I really truly appreciate all your support, your interest, your contributions, comments, thoughts, shares, monetary support: everything! It means a lot to me!

Today, I share with you my recent developments around my business, the thoughts I have, the ideas I want to do and what this means for this Channel.

So far I have shared a mixed bunch of things with you: my personal life, anecdotes, experiences, my business insights etc. Actually exactly since a whole year.

This taught me a lot & I am very grateful for it.

Now, I would like to modify this channel a bit more towards bringing value to the world in form of all my accumulated knowledge around my business, scientific illustrations, communication, social Media, video content, writing: basically everything that could help other fellow creative Scientists to embark on a similar journey.

I would like to build my email list, a community & offer support & help in form of courses, workbooks, forums to discuss etc. I will have to figure out what will be paid & what not, which tiers to offer etc.

Substack seems to be the best platform to start with all that.

I feel that it is my duty to share these things with you, because you have subscribed for a reason. And in case this is not of interest to you anymore, I think it is just fair for you to leave and unsubscribe :-).

I of course be happy if you stay, but I can understand if this is just not your cup of tea anymore.

I will still share free articles and posts, so not everything will be for paid subscribers only, I have not yet completely thought about how the whole setup will be :)

I hope you are having an amazing Wednesday & I would love to stay in touch either way. If not here, you can find me on LinkedIN under Daria Chrobok (PhD) or on X under @DC_Sciart



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The DC SciArt Chronicles
Spoken Theels
On my way to embrace my intuition & spontaneous impulses more, it came up to record some of my thoughts & feelings in spoken word. My "Spoken Theels" will basically be about my human experience, which so far spans being a Scientist, Artist, Entrepreneur, Expat, disabled person, spirituality interested soul & just someone who embraces the fullness of life! All these aspects of me are deeply connected, just like within all of us, we are more than those labels & roles & I intend to explore that fact here.